
Basuo port

Navigation information:
Latitude:19°06' N
Longtitude:108° 36' E
Port Authority:
Basuo Harbour Superintendency Administration
General Port Description
- ServicesLocation : Lies on the West Coast of Hainan IslandApproach Channel
Length 1,800 m
Width 120 m
Depth 9 m plus tide
Pilotage : only daytime
Draft : 9,8m plus tide Loa : 200m Beam : no restriction
Tidal range: Min 0,4m Max 3,6m
Fresh Water-stores-provisions AVAILABLE
Bunkers Unavailable
Crew changes/Spare parts delivery possible through HAIKOU
Tugs 3, max output 1,960 hp
Repair Facilities only minor ship repairs
Cargo berths - handling facilities
Berths Length(metres) Depth(metres) Cargo Handling Equipment
No 1, No 2 370 8,60 4 Automatic ore loaders
No 3, No 4 370 8,60 5 Cranes with
No 5 250 8,60 Maximum cap 10MT
No 6 Liquid products 8,60

Remarks:The main export cargoes are iron ore, iron, steel, cement, timber and local goods, Imports include coal, coke, grain and general cargoes.

General Information
Basuo is a very small port, but well equipped and effective. The port hinterland is formed by the counties of Dongfang, Changjiang, Baisha and Danxian. Shipping lines serve the coastal ports of Zhunjiang, Beihei, Shanghai, Tianjin, Dalian and some Asian countries.
The port is linked to the round-the-island highway network, and has access to Haihou in the north and Sanya in the south via the west highway network. There are railway for passenger and cargo transport from Basuo to Shilu (54 km), Hanagliu (63 km), Lingtou (50 km) and Sanya (164 km).