SCA Circular No. 6/1995
Concerning the SC Tolls reduction granted to the Feeder vessels operating between the
Egyptian Ports on the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea Ports.
To attract more business for the feeder vessels operating
between the Egyptian Ports on the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea ports, the Suez Canal
Authority announce the following:
- A reduction of 19% of the SC normal transit tolls is granted
to feeder vessels operating between the Egyptian ports on the Mediterranean Sea and the
Red Sea ports provided they carry containers that have previously been transported through
the Suez Canal on board a northbound mother ship. This reduction is calculated as follows:
a) The Southbound "GO" trip (from Port Said):
The number of containers that have previously been transported through the Canal on board
a mother ship and unloaded in one of the Egyptian ports then reshipped by the feeder ship
to the total number of containers on board the feeder vessel multiplied by the transit
tolls of the feeder vessel.
b) The "RETURN" trip (from Port Tewfik)
The number of containers that have been already granted reduction in the southbound
"GO" trip to the total number of containers on board the feeder vessel in the
return trip multiplied by 19% multiplied by the transit tolls of the feeder vessel (this
percentage shall not exceed that previously granted in the southbound "GO"
- Document to be forwarded to the measurement section, transit
department Ismailia, stamped by a container handling company at the Egyptian port stating
the number of containers mentioned in (a) and (b) of the preceding article.
- Upon transit the feeder vessel shall pay the transit tolls in
full, however, reimbursement shall be effected later on once the document mentioned in
article rwo has been forwarded and duly revised.
- The shipping companies, whose ships comply with the
aforementioned articles, and wish to have this privilege of tolls reduction for the feeder
vessels shall notify the Suez Canal Authority in advance with the names of the vessels
that are scheduled to operate between the Egyptian ports on the Mediterranean Sea and the
Red Sea.
- Feeder vessels of all types shall be treated as container
ships so long as all their cargo is containers only when transiting the Suez Canal.
- The aforementioned tolls reduction is in effect as from