Extracts from Law No. 2/2004 amending some items of Law No. 45/1955
concerning Sanitary and Quarantine dues, issued on 14/02/2004
Table of Sanitary and Quarantine Dues which have to be paid by every vessel arriving
to an Egyptian Port and for each voyage:
Item No. 1:
Vessel's net Tonnage .....................................Dues
From 1 to 300 Tons ...................................LE 15.00
From 301 to 1000 Tons..............................LE 100.00
From 1001 to 5000 Tons ...........................LE 150.00
From 5001 to 10000 Tons .........................LE 200.00
Over 10000 Tons .......................................LE 250.00
Item No. 2: Sanitary Guard Dues
Watch dues which have to be paid by any vessel transiting the Suez Canal under
Sanitary Quarantine watch is: LE 75.00 per vessel.
Item No. 3: Supervision Dues
The carrier or the owner of cattle or goods has to pay Fumigation Supervision
Dues plus the actual expenses of services rendered.
A) Supervision Dues are to be as follows:
Supervision Dues re fumigation of Ship's hatches specialized for carrying cattle:
From 1 head to 50 big heads
Or from 1 head to 100 small heads ...................... LE 20.00
As regards vessels carrying more numbers, the dues are as follows:
Vessel's net Tonnage ............................................... Dues
From 1 to 100 Tons ............................................. LE 30.00
From 1001 to 4000 Tons ..................................... LE 50.00
Over 4000 Tons ................................................... LE 70.00
E) Derating
Inspection of Ships to ascertain the degree of Rats' spread including the certificate
Vessel's net tonnage ............................................... Dues
From 1 to 500 Tons .............................................. LE 15.00
From 501 to 2000 Tons ........................................ LE 45.00
From 2001 to 8000 Tons ...................................... LE 70.00
Over 8000 Tons .................................................... LE 90.00
Item 2: Killing rats including certificate dues: according to the apparatus used.
The Law in question also a variety of Sanitary services.