Art. 11 - Pilotage:

D. Master and Pilot

(1) Master:

When a vessel is transiting the Canal, the Master or his qualified representative should be present at all times on the bridge, he has to keep the pilot informed of any individual peculiarities in the handling of the vessel so that the pilot might be in a position to give better advice to control the navigation and movement of the vessel.

(2) Pilot:

The duties of pilots commence and cease at the entrance buoys of Port Said and Port of Suez. He only gives advice on manoeuvring the vessel, course to steer, etc. He puts at the disposal of the Master his experience and practical knowledge of the Canal, but as he cannot know the defects or difficulties of manoeuvrability for of every vessel, the responsibility falls completely upon the Master. The pilot has to ensure that the vessel abides by:

The manoeuvre and orders are carried out under the direction of the Master who is solely responsible for the ship . It is therefore for the Master, taking into account the indications given by the pilot, to give the necessary orders to the helm, to the engines and tugs. If, in the interest of quick manoeures the Master thinks it prferable to allow the pilot to give orders directly, manoeuvres carried out in these circumstance shall be considered as having been carried out by the order of the master and engage his sole responsibility.