Art. 90 - New Information For Vessels Transiting the Canal :

  1. Each vessel has special SCA FILE NR (SCA ID) in the new informatics system in Suez Canal.

    SCA distributes Free of charge special SCA ID card to he kept in the radio room, vessel report SCA FILE NR on all arrival messages for transits or port calls.

    Any change in vessel's characteristics should be reported to SCA officially to be filled in SCA ID.
  2. Meteorological data will be displayed on signal state boards (2nd line) to inform vessels of the prevailing weather conditions as they pass the signal station.

    Also emergency or navigation instructions from the main management office at Ismailia can be displayed on the same line alternatively.
  3. The CORT should be mounted on either of the two wings on entrance of the Canal the area area around should be clear of obstruction within 10 feet radius.

    A trained SCA technician will mount the CORT in place and operate before disembarking .

    The vessel is asked to install electrical outlet 110/220 VAC (Hubbel socket type 2356 flanged receptacle nylon casing hubbel catalogue number 35-R-2B 37), on the two wings to supply the CORT with electrical power.

    Before vessel exits the Canal at either end of the Canal the CORT will be dismounted by a SCA technician.