
Ships transiting the canal are required to fulfill the following conditions:

a) The ship's loadline for tropical zones must be apparent and in compliance with the provisions of international convention regarding loadlines.

b) The ship's draft marks fore, aft and amidship will be existent on port and starboard sides.
All ships have to conform to the Suez Canal Rules of Navigation and its Appendix for dangerous cargo.

1. Ships first transit

Ships which intend to pass through the canal for the first time after their construction or after conversion since their last transit must submit to the S.C.A. :

Such documents are requested to be filed in the S.C.A.'s records and will assist the S.C. Surveyors to measure the ship.

2. Changing ownership and/or flags

Ships which have changed flags and/or ownership must submit a new S.C. Certificate. Until the new certificate is submitted, the S.C.A. must be notified accordingly and a copy of the old certificate must be submitted specifying the new name and/or the flag duly certified by ship's classification society. In addition, the Master upon arrival must declare "Particulars no change" such steps will ensure that the ship will not be overcharged and the previous canal tonnage will be taken into consideration is assessing the canal dues.

3. Rudder angle and R.P.M. indicators

Each vessel should be equipped with:

Both indicators must be fitted on the bridge in such a position that the pilot may read both without having to move away from his station. They must be in good working condition, otherwise the ship will be subjected to additional dues.

An exemption to the above requirements is granted to vessels having a S.C.G. Tonnage of less than 2500 tons (excluding sSEAPACEs not permanently added to the gross tonnage) and also to ships not passing through the canal more than three times a year.

4. Canal tolls (dues)

All vessels using the canal pay tolls.
The basis for calculation of tolls is: Tolls (dues) = Vessel's SCNT x Tolls rate (SDR) x SDR rate.
Dues calculated on this basis are payable in one of the hard currencies declared by the exchange control according to rates of currencies in relation to SDR's as declared by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

5. Vessel's SCNT

The vessel's Suez Canal Net Tonnage is calculated and confirmed by the S.C. Surveyors on the basis of their measurement and the following data and documents:

Conditions for ships to join the convoys:

Any ship can join the convoy provided:


The Pilot signal is a black ball over "G" flag daylight, and three white vertical lights at night. These signals must be hoisted where they are visible from the Suez Canal Authority Port Office, and it is advisable that the Pilot signal be hoisted as early as possible, before the start of the convoy in which the vessel is to enter.

The S.C.A. stresses the importance of vessels being ready to commence unmooring etc., immediately the Pilot has boarded.